Gimpo Int'l Airport Station

[WOWPASS Available] On the passage way to International Terminal Exit 3(LOTTE MALL)

77, Haneul-gil, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Business hours 06:00 ~ 23:59
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USD ( 100 / 50 / 20 / 10 ), JPY ( 10000 / 5000 / 1000 ), EUR ( 100 / 50 / 20 / 10 ), CNY ( 100 ), TWD ( 1000 / 500 ), HKD ( 1000 / 500 / 100 ), SGD ( 100 / 50 ), AUD ( 100 / 50 ), CAD ( 50 ), GBP ( 20 ), THB ( 1000 ), PHP ( 1000 ), VND ( 500000 ), MYR ( 100 ), IDR ( 100000 )

KRW → Foregin currency

좌측: TWD ( 1000 ), JPY ( 10000 ), CNY ( 100 ) / 중앙: TWD ( 1000 ), JPY ( 10000 ), USD ( 100 ) / 우측: TWD ( 1000 ), JPY ( 10000 ), CNY ( 100 )

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